Koto No Ito Japanese Maple Uk
These narrow fingers are among the narrowest leaf-lobes of all the Japanese Maples and they are the source of the name of this variety since koto no ito means the strings of an old harp in Japanese. Japanese maple Koto-no-ito Koto-no-ito _ Koto-no-ito is an upright rounded deciduous tree with bright green leaves divided into five linear toothed leaflets yellow-green in spring turning golden-yellow to orange-red in autumn. Acer Palmatum Koto No Ito Spring Meaning Harp Strings Green Five To Seven Narrow Strap Like Lobes Lanceolate Tapering To An Elongate Sharp Point Japansk Acer palmatum Koto-no-ito is a deciduous shrub or small tree with pretty trailing leaves comprised of 5-7 narrow straplike lobes which emerge with crimson tones before quickly turning bright green. Koto no ito japanese maple uk . Japanese Maple Koto-no-ito Acer palmatum f. Many have fine. Koto No Ito is Japanese for Harp Strings referring to the very narrow foliage that this plant has. Genus Acer can be d...