Ito Reduction Potential
The reduction of ITO strongly depends on the electrolyte conditions mainly pH and anions. As long known the two-electron potential of FAD intheenzymeismuchmorenegativethaninthefreestate 022 V at pH 7016 accordingly we also veri ed that free FAD has a reduction potential of 025 V at pH 80. Support Electrochemical Technique Cyclic Voltammetry Ii Als The Electrochemical Company Each species has its own intrinsic reduction potential. Ito reduction potential . NO 3 ions are found to significantly inhibit the reduction of ITO shifting the reduction potential negative by ca. 4262021 Applying a cathodic reducing potential between the Pt-ITO and metal electrode induces metal plating that is tinting and an anodic oxidizing potential causes the metal to dissolve back into. 5 c meaning that the oxidation and reduction potential energies of the ITO. NO 3 ions are found to significantly inhibit the reduction of ITO shifting the reduction potential negative by ca. In particular the pheno...